aiostorage.providers package


Full documentation of each module in this package (aimed at library developers):

aiostorage.providers.backblaze module

This module contains the Backblaze class.

class aiostorage.providers.backblaze.Backblaze(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Asynchronous wrapper around the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage API.

API_ENDPOINTS = {'authorize_account': 'b2_authorize_account/', 'get_upload_url': 'b2_get_upload_url/', 'list_buckets': 'b2_list_buckets/'}
API_NAME = 'b2api/'

Set credentials.

Parameters:**kwargs – API credentials, see below.
: Keyword arguments
  • account_id (str) – Account id.
  • app_key (str) – Application key.

Generate API endpoint URL.

Parameters:action (str) – API action to get URL for.
Returns:API endpoint URL.
Return type:str

async Retrieve URL used to upload a file.

Parameters:bucket_id (str) – Bucket to upload file to.
Raises:ClientResponseError – If HTTP status code >= 400.
Returns:JSON API response containing upload URL.
Return type:dict

async Perform API authorization and update authorization attributes.

Raises:ClientResponseError – If HTTP status code >= 400.
Returns:JSON API response containing authorization details.
Return type:dict
upload_file(bucket_id, file_to_upload, content_type)

async Upload file.

  • bucket_id (str) – Bucket to upload file to.
  • file_to_upload (str) – Path of file to upload.
  • content_type (str) – Content (MIME) type of file to upload.

JSON API response containing confirmation of file upload.

Return type:


aiostorage.providers.exceptions module

This module contains exceptions for object storage provider API errors.

exception aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderAuthorizationError

Bases: aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderError

Unable to authorize.

exception aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderError

Bases: Exception

Base exception class.

exception aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderFileUploadError

Bases: aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderError

Unable to upload file.

exception aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderGetUploadUrlError

Bases: aiostorage.providers.exceptions.ProviderError

Unable to get file upload URL.

Module contents

Package summary (aimed at library developers):

This package contains asynchronous wrappers for the following object storage provider APIs

  • Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

It is for internal usage only.